101 simple calm-down strategies for kids to help them manage big emotions

101 simple calm-down strategies for kids to help them manage big emotions

As a parent, you probably want your child to have the skills needed to handle life’s challenges. One of the important skills to have is the ability to calm down when feeling upset or overwhelmed.  Sometimes I feel like so many adults (including me) can benefit from learning and actually implementing these calm-down strategies. After all,…

20 important social skills for kids (and how to teach them)

20 important social skills for kids (and how to teach them)

Social skills are the set of abilities that allow people to interact with others. Social skills can be taught, and they can also be learned through experience. Young kids’ worlds usually center around themselves.  Hence, for many kids, it’s hard to grasp the idea of sharing, taking turns, or empathizing with others.  But teaching social…

125 simple random acts of kindness ideas for kids to make someone’s day

125 simple random acts of kindness ideas for kids to make someone’s day

Practicing random acts of kindness with kids teaches them to grow up as compassionate people.  What’s more rewarding than seeing you have raised warm-hearted, kind people who are of help to others? We cannot be helpful to everyone all the time, but we all can afford to do some random acts of kindness whenever possible. …

How to connect with your kids using their love language (5 love languages explained)

How to connect with your kids using their love language (5 love languages explained)

All of us express love differently. In the same way, we like to experience love differently too.  Sometimes, the love we have for people fail to reach them, because we all speak different love languages. Hence it is important to understand what the love language of our children or partner is, to keep the relationships…

How to develop intrinsic motivation in kids: 9 tips to increase their interest, passion, and perseverance

How to develop intrinsic motivation in kids: 9 tips to increase their interest, passion, and perseverance

Intrinsic motivation is not a single concept. It is a complex and multifaceted construct that has been studied for decades by psychologists and education experts. Intrinsic motivation can be defined as an interest in something, such as science or animals, that happens naturally and the individual pursues it without being told to do so. It…

15 incredibly fun games to teach self-regulation to kids

15 incredibly fun games to teach self-regulation to kids

Self-regulation is one of the key skills we can teach kids for the betterment of their emotional development. Emotional self-regulation is the ability to control one’s behavior and emotional reactions in a manner that is not destructive or socially acceptable.  And usually, young kids and (even many adults) lack the skills to emotionally regulate themselves…