10 Tips for a Smooth and Healthy Bedtime Routine for Kids (No More Bedtime Battles)

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Establishing a bedtime routine for your kids can greatly improve their sleep quality and overall well-being.

Kids thrive on routines, which are a must to reduce tantrums and overwhelm. Establishing good sleep habits early on will help their overall well-being and growth.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to creating the best bedtime routine for children. Some kids might prefer a bedtime story, while others may enjoy talking about their day or engaging in quiet activities.

The key lies in finding what works best for your child and ensuring that the routine is tailored to their individual needs and preferences.

Understanding the Importance of a Bedtime Routine

Establishing a consistent bedtime routine has many benefits. Not only does it help them fall asleep more easily, but it also lays the foundation for cognitive skills and emotional development.

Let’s see what the benefits of a good sleep routine are.

Health benefits

A bedtime routine provides critical health benefits to your child. It helps maintain a consistent sleep schedule, which is crucial for their overall physical health.

Proper sleep facilitates growth, strengthens the immune system, and promotes optimal brain function.

And, a bedtime routine that incorporates oral hygiene, such as brushing teeth, ensures good dental health in children.

Helps to improve learning and focus

When children follow a regular bedtime routine, their cognitive skills, such as working memory and attention, are enhanced.

A well-rested child is more equipped to focus and process information at school, leading to better academic performance.

Incorporating activities like reading or storytelling into the bedtime routine can further support language development and critical thinking skills.

Helps to boost emotional well-being

Parents often underestimate the impact of a bedtime routine on their child’s emotional well-being.

A consistent and nurturing routine helps create a sense of security and stability for your child. This stability, in turn, sets the foundation for healthy emotional development and resilience.

Parent-child bonding is strengthened during bedtime rituals like cuddling and storytelling, fostering a deeper connection and emotional support. 

If you are a busy parent(who is not?), having some bedtime rituals is helpful to spend some much-needed time with your kids. And maybe that’s the only time you can spend with them. 

Being busy is okay if you have at least some nightly bedtime routine set up. Kids will look forward to that time with you and it will help to boost their emotional well-being because they know that they will always have that time with you.

9 Tips to Establish a Consistent Bedtime Routine for Kids

Now, let’s see how we can establish a consistent routine to make bedtime easier.

1. Determine an Ideal Bedtime

To set up a bedtime routine for your child, you should first determine an ideal bedtime.

Consider their age, daily activities, and how much sleep they need. Younger children typically require more sleep, so their bedtime should be earlier.

To ensure consistency, choose a bedtime that will work for both weekdays and weekends. Keep in mind that it might take a few days for your child to adjust to a new schedule, but with persistence, they will eventually adapt.

It’s always best to maintain the same sleep schedule during weekends too. Or else, it can lead to disrupted sleep schedules which will then spill over to weekdays, causing sleep debt. 

If you choose to go out on weekends, I would suggest trying to stick to the schedule as much as possible, even if you put them to bed 1 or 2 hours late.  

2. Create a Comfortable Sleeping Environment

The Bedroom Setting

Creating a comfortable sleeping environment for your child is key to establishing a healthy bedtime routine.

First, ensure that the room is dark enough during bedtime. Use blackout curtains or shades to block out any outside light. Additionally, consider using a nightlight to provide a soft, soothing glow if your child is afraid of the dark.

Next, make sure the room temperature is comfortable for sleeping. Generally, a cool room between 60-68°F (16-20°C) is optimal for restful sleep. You can use fans or air conditioning to adjust the temperature as needed.

Lastly, provide your child with cozy, comfortable bedding that includes pillows, blankets, and mattress covers appropriate for their age. The bedding should feel inviting and help your child feel relaxed as they drift off to sleep.

3. Incorporate Relaxing Pre-Bedtime Activities

By incorporating relaxing pre-bedtime activities, you create a calming atmosphere that encourages a peaceful night’s sleep.

When you do them consistently, their brains get accustomed to the routine and naturally induce sleep at the same time every day. 

Here are some pre-bedtime rituals to focus on:

  • Hygiene:

Encourage your child to establish good hygiene habits, such as brushing their teeth and washing their bodies, before bed.

  • Screen-free time:

As screens can stimulate the brain and make it harder to fall asleep, it’s important to eliminate screen time at least an hour before bed.

  • Storytime

Reading stories to your child at bedtime is a time-honored tradition that can create lasting memories and provide numerous benefits.

Set aside 10-20 minutes before lights out to read a story together.

Choose age-appropriate books that capture your child’s interest and imagination. This can help them wind down and make the transition to sleep easier.

Additionally, story time can promote language development, improve listening skills, and strengthen the bond between you and your child.

  • Meditation and Relaxation Techniques

Introducing meditation and relaxation techniques to your child’s bedtime routine can help them find inner calm and make it easier to fall asleep. This will also help to tackle sleep problems if they have any.

Consider the following activities to help them relax:

  • Breathing exercises: Teach your child to take deep breaths, inhaling for four counts and exhaling for four counts. This can help slow down their heart rate and relax their body.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation: Guide your child through a series of tense-and-release exercises, starting from their toes and working up to their head. This technique releases physical tension and helps prepare the body for sleep.
  • Guided visualization: Encourage your child to imagine soothing scenes, like floating on a cloud or lying on a warm beach. This can help focus their mind on calming thoughts and ease feelings of anxiety or stress.

This prebedtime routine is a simple one, but since it’s soothing, it will help to put your child’s mind to rest. 

Related: 62 Calming bedtime activities for kids (for a smooth & peaceful transition to bed)

4. Deal with Resistance to Bedtime Routine, If Any

Understanding the Causes

Resistance to bedtime routines is a common issue faced by many parents.

There could be various underlying factors causing this resistance, such as fear of the dark, anxiety, and overstimulation from screen time or activities close to bedtime.

To effectively deal with resistance, it’s crucial to understand the potential causes and identify what may trigger your child’s reluctance to go to bed.

Try observing your child’s behavior and habits, and pay special attention to their activities and surroundings before bedtime. And make note of any patterns or potential triggers that may be causing their resistance to bedtime routines.

Effective Strategies to Deal with Resistance

Once you have identified the possible causes of resistance, consider implementing the following strategies to help create a more positive bedtime routine for your child:

  1. Consistency: Try to stay consistent with the set schedule and the relaxing activities mentioned above. Make sure you add the activities they like to do so that they look forward to it every day and therefore have less resistance. It could be reading their favorite stories or activities like coloring. 
  2. Positive reinforcement: Reward your child for following the bedtime routine and adhering to expectations. This may motivate them to continue with the routine and reduce resistance.
  3. Address fears and anxieties: If your child is afraid of the dark or experiences bedtime-related anxiety, make sure you don’t ignore their call for help and treat it seriously. This is important because if you dismiss their fears, it will only prevent them from facing them properly and also may lead them to not talk about their problems with you in the future. 

Here are some tips to deal with the nighttime anxiety and fears. 

  • The first step is to identify the cause of your child’s fears. It could be a particular object in the room, a fear of the dark, or a fear of being alone. Understanding the root of their anxiety will enable you to address it effectively.
  • Once you’ve identified the cause, consider rearranging the bedroom to make it more inviting and less scary. Make sure there are no objects or areas casting shadows that could frighten your child.
  • Adding a nightlight or installing glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling can also help ease their worries.
  • As mentioned in the previous section, instead of jumping into bed straight away to sleep, establish a calming bedtime routine to signal to your child that it’s time to relax and sleep.
  • Ensure your child feels supported and validated by acknowledging their feelings and reassuring them. You can do this by explaining to them that it’s normal to feel scared and that you’re there to help them feel safe.
  • Lastly, provide your child with tools to cope with their fears independently. This might include a stuffed animal to hug, a relaxation technique such as deep breathing, or a positive mantra they can repeat when feeling anxious. Encouraging them to face their fears gradually will help build their confidence over time.

By understanding the causes of resistance to bedtime routines and implementing these strategies, you can reduce the resistance. And if the problem still persists, talk with your childcare professional to see if there are more unaddressed fears that you can’t figure out yet. 

5. Monitor Progress and Adjust the Routine

As you establish a bedtime routine for your kids, it’s important to monitor their progress and adjust the routine as needed.

Keep track of how well they are adapting to the new routine and make note of any difficulties they may face. Remember, every child is different, and their needs may change over time.

In the beginning, you may need to be patient and persistent. It takes time for children to adjust to new routines and habits.

If you notice that your child is struggling with a particular step, such as brushing their teeth or winding down before bed, make sure you provide them with additional guidance and support.

Consistency is key in maintaining a successful bedtime routine. However, you may need to occasionally adjust the routine to accommodate changes in your child’s schedule or needs.

For example, if your child has an extracurricular activity that requires a later bedtime, you can adjust the routine accordingly to ensure they are still getting the sleep they need.

As they grow older, their bedtime routine may need to be adapted to fit their changing needs and preferences.

For instance, as your child gets older, they may need more quiet time before bed or want to read a book on their own instead of having you read a story to them. Be open to adjusting the routine based on their evolving needs and preferences.

Make sure you stay flexible and adapt to your child’s needs as they change so that you can help create a bedtime routine that will last for years to come.

6. Bedtime Snacks and Hydration

Giving bedtime snacks is not necessary if your child is not hungry after dinner, which should be ideally at least two hours before bedtime. But some kids, especially if they are going through a growth spurt, can feel hungry after dinner and that could be one reason they don’t want to go to bed. 

And another reason could be that they didn’t eat dinner properly and they are hungry now and are asking for food.

So if this seems to be a frequent scenario, make sure you have some bedtime snacks ready beforehand so that you don’t have to go to the kitchen again to prepare something (insert *eye-roll*).

Choosing the right bedtime snacks for your kids can help them settle down and sleep better. 

Opt for snacks rich in complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats, as these can promote relaxation and a sense of fullness. Some great options include whole grain crackers with cheese sticks or sliced veggies with hummus. Here is a list of bedtime snacks for kids you can save for later.

Avoid sugary and heavily processed snacks and caffeine as they can cause energy spikes and result in restless sleep.

It’s a good idea to offer these snacks approximately 45 minutes to an hour before bedtime, as this allows ample time for digestion and can prevent discomfort during the night.

In addition to providing healthy snacks, ensure your children are well-hydrated before bedtime. Encourage them to drink a glass of water or milk to help them stay hydrated throughout the night.

Be mindful not to provide excessive amounts of fluids, as this can lead to frequent nighttime bathroom visits, resulting in disrupted sleep. Remember, balanced hydration is key to a good night’s sleep.

7. Manage Napping During the Day

When it comes to following a bedtime routine for your kids, managing their daytime naps is essential. Ensuring they get the right amount of sleep during the day can help improve their nighttime sleep quality.

First, pay attention to your child’s natural sleep pattern. Track their sleep times and watch for signs of sleepiness, such as fussiness or rubbing their eyes.

This will help you identify when your little one is naturally sleepy throughout the day and adjust their nap schedule accordingly.

For toddlers aged 1 to 2 years old, they generally need between 11 and 14 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period.

To accommodate this, you can break their daytime sleep into two naps: a mid-morning nap around 9:30 a.m. and an afternoon nap around 2 p.m. When transitioning to a single-nap schedule, aim for a nap around 1:30 p.m.

Before each nap, follow a simple wind-down routine to help your child relax and prepare for sleep. Let them play quietly for at least half an hour and consider a warm bath if they take daytime baths.

It’s also important to create a consistent sleep environment for your child. Place them to sleep on their back and clear the crib or bassinet of any blankets and soft items. Keep the room at a comfortable temperature and use white noise or soft music if it helps them fall asleep.

Maintaining a consistent nap schedule will help your child get the most out of their daytime sleep, setting them up for better quality sleep at night.

And remember, occasional exceptions to the schedule are inevitable and won’t harm your child in the long run. Just do your best to get back on track when disruptions occur.

8. Be Consistent with Wake-Up Times

When you set a regular wake-up time, you help your child’s body develop a natural sleep rhythm, leading to improved sleep quality and easier bedtimes.

To achieve consistency with wake-up times, start by choosing a time that aligns with your child’s natural sleep pattern.

Most children generally need between 9 and 12 hours of sleep, depending on their age and individual needs. Once you’ve determined an appropriate wake-up time, try to stick to it every day, even on weekends and holidays.

If you are trying to fix a disrupted sleep schedule, it’s important to be patient as your child adjusts to their new wake-up schedule. 

Gradually shifting the wake-up time by 15-minute increments may be helpful in making the transition smoother. You can also incorporate a morning routine to help signal to your child that it’s time to start the day.

Some ideas for a morning routine could include:

  • Washing their face
  • Brushing their teeth
  • Taking a shower
  • Getting dressed
  • Having a healthy breakfast

By maintaining a consistent wake-up time, you encourage your child’s body to follow a natural sleep schedule. This can lead to better sleep habits and more restful nights for both you and your child. 

9. Encourage Daily Physical Activity

Incorporating physical activity into your child’s daily routine helps a lot in establishing a healthy bedtime routine because when they are physically tired they would want to go to bed faster and also sleep tighter. 

Engaging in at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day will also promote their overall health and well-being.

There are many ways to introduce fun and age-appropriate exercise options into your child’s life:

  • Encourage active play: Whether it’s tag, hide-and-seek, or climbing on the playground, children naturally love to move and have fun. And it is more beneficial when you let them play outside close to nature. Here are 19 incredible benefits of nature play in children’s growth and development. 
  • Participate in organized sports: Soccer, basketball, or swimming gives your child the chance to channel their energy and interact with peers.
  • Plan family activities: Go on family hikes, bike rides, or play sports together to model an active lifestyle and strengthen family bonds. 

Related: 30 simple family ritual ideas to bring your family closer

Physical activity helps regulate your child’s sleep patterns by keeping their circadian rhythm in sync. 

Moreover, physical activity helps in the reduction of stress, anxiety, and depression, which are often culprits in sleep disturbances. By facilitating relaxation and improving mental health, exercise contributes to a more peaceful and consistent bedtime routine for your child.

Keep in mind that the timing of physical activity is crucial, as exercising too close to bedtime might have an adverse effect on sleep. Aim to schedule active play and organized sports at least two hours before your child’s designated bedtime.

10. Tailor the Routine to Individual Children

Every child is unique, and creating a bedtime routine that works best for them is essential. Consider their interests, personality, and existing habits when crafting the routine.

By doing so, you can make bedtime more enjoyable, leading to a more natural transition to sleep. And if you insist upon a routine of your choice and not theirs, that can be problematic too. 

Keep in mind that their interest may change according to age or month-by-month. So be flexible and let them choose how they want to do it. 

Also, be mindful of your child’s age and developmental stage when planning the routine.

For instance, toddlers might enjoy a more interactive bedtime process, involving singing or storytelling. Meanwhile, older children could benefit from a quiet reading time or some simple relaxation techniques.

Tips for Traveling and Maintaining Routine

When traveling with your kids, maintaining a consistent bedtime routine is recommended so as not to throw away the progress you made so far. 

Follow these helpful tips to keep the bedtime routine on track, even while on the go.

  • Pack familiar items from your child’s bedtime routine to create a sense of consistency. This might include their favorite pajamas, a storybook they love, or a special toy that helps them feel comforted. Ensuring they have these familiar items can give them a sense of routine and security, regardless of their location.
  • Keep the bedtime routine as similar to home as possible. For example, go through the usual steps like changing into pajamas, brushing their teeth, dimming the lights, and reading a bedtime story. Sticking to the normal routine will help your child transition seamlessly to sleep, even in an unfamiliar setting.
  • Try to maintain consistent sleep and wake times while traveling.
  • Stay mindful of time zone differences to help your child acclimate to the local sleep schedule. If you’re traveling across time zones, consider adjusting their sleep schedule gradually leading up to the trip. This can help make the transition easier once you reach your destination.

By following these tips, you can maintain a sense of stability, even in unfamiliar surroundings.

Here are some examples of bedtime routines for different age groups

  • Babies (0-12 months): At this age, your baby typically needs 12 to 16 hours of sleep, including naps. Start by creating a calm and soothing environment for your baby, with a consistent time for sleep. Use tools such as white noise machines, soft music, or a bedtime story to help your baby relax and wind down. Swaddling and rocking can also be helpful to provide comfort. Remember to always put your infant to sleep on their back to ensure safety during sleep.
  • Toddlers (1-3 years): Toddlers need about 11 to 14 hours of sleep, including a nap. At this age, a consistent sleep schedule is highly beneficial. Incorporate a routine that includes activities such as brushing teeth, reading a story, do some relaxing bedtime activities, and giving a goodnight kiss. It’s important to leave the room while your child is sleepy but not yet asleep – this way, they learn to fall asleep independently and won’t panic if they wake up during the night. 
  • Preschoolers (3-5 years): Preschoolers generally require 10 to 13 hours of sleep. At this stage, build a routine that includes calming activities, such as quiet play, a warm bath, or a bedtime story. You should also focus on creating a relaxing environment in their bedroom, using soothing colors and eliminating distractions like electronics. Establish a regular bedtime, including weekends, and start the bedtime routine about 30-60 minutes before their scheduled sleep time, allowing your child to recognize it’s time for bed. 
  • School-aged children (6-12 years): School-aged children need about 9 to 12 hours of sleep a day. Continue with a consistent bedtime routine that includes a bath or shower, brushing teeth, reading a story, and saying goodnight. And make sure you continue with relaxing activities of their choice before bed and stick with the schedule as much as possible. 
  • Teenagers (13-19 years): Teens need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep daily. Encourage the teenager to establish their own consistent bedtime routine that includes winding down with quiet activities, such as reading or listening to music. Set a regular bedtime and encourage the teenager to stick to it as much as possible. Avoid stimulating activities before bedtime, such as using electronic devices or playing video games. Encourage the teenager to avoid caffeine and sugary snacks before bedtime.

Tip to maintain a bedtime routine during special occasions and vacations

Maintaining a consistent bedtime routine during special occasions and vacations may require some flexibility, but it’s important to prioritize sleep even during these times.

Try to stick to normal routines as much as possible, adapting as necessary for travel or changes in schedule.

For example, bring familiar bedtime items such as a favorite bedtime story, stuffed animal, or blanket to provide comfort and consistency.

Remember to communicate with your child about the importance of sleep and work together to maintain routines even when away from home.


To create an effective bedtime routine and good sleep habits for life, it’s vital to ensure its consistency. Consistency includes sticking to the same bedtime, following a series of activities, and setting expectations. 

Remember, the goal is to make the bedtime routine enjoyable. Consider incorporating something that your child likes or is interested in. This can promote cooperation and create positive associations with bedtime.

Lastly, make sure your child falls asleep on their own. A crucial step in every bedtime routine is to leave the room while your child is still awake, ensuring they learn how to self-soothe and fall asleep independently.

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